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Not a Goodbye

 Hi, Some days ago i asked on my telegram channel if you prefer to get the latest updates here on this blog or directly on the Telegram and some users have voted and the option of go on Telegram won So, this is not a Goodbye it's just a transfer All the old stuff here will not be deleted, but this will be just archived Remember that this blog will be still used to make major announcement like the launch of new projects For now i leave here my channel: Luca

Source Code Available

 Hello, The main source code of the website has been made public You can explore it from here: Have a nice day Luca


 Hello, I need your feedback You are invited to reply to my Google Form and suggest me what asked Link Thanks for anyone will give their feedback Have a nice day

Aggiornamento GameDev Ottobre 2022

 â„¹️ Versione 0.0.1 Gioco Salve Gente, A breve sarà disponibile la prima beta sul mio gioco Di seguito le ultime novità 📄 Il gioco si chiamerà Impossible Smash o qualcosa del genere 🟡 Il gioco è strutturato il 3D a prospettiva fissa e lo scopo è quello di sopravvivere il più possibile incontrando ostacoli lungo il tragitto (come idea prendete come esempio "Smash Hit") È previsto il rilascio anche di una versione in 2D 🕙 Il rilascio della release 2D è prevista per mobile durante Primavera 2022, mentre per la versione 3D potrebbe essere necessario più tempo: Di seguito le date stimate di changelog per entrambe le versioni (possono subire ritardi) Stadio Pre-Alpha Build Versione 0.0.1 - Inizio Novembre 2022 Stadio Pre-Release Beta Build Versione 0.1 - Fine Novembre 2022 Versione 0.2 fino a 0.7-8 - Gennaio 2023 Versione 0.9 - Febbraio 2023 - Sarà pubblicata come beta per accogliere feedback Stadio Public Release Versione 1.0.0 Marzo-Aprile-Maggio 2023 - Rilascio Ufficiale After

Automazione Telegram -> Blog

 Salve, da oggi il canale telegram non è più archiviato e ogni post che verrà pubblicato verrà automaticamente pubblicato anche qui grazie ad un integrazione Saluti

Domain Provider Transfer

 Hello, in this hours i have transfered all this website and it's domain to another domain provider to allow better performance and also better features for backend development. Until the next 10 days it may can be some problems about DNS but this is wery unlikely. Let me know what do you think Greetings

I'm Back

Greetings, after more than a month of complete inactivity, I'm back! All server functions have remained operational during this time, and I am now ready to release new updates Luca Zani

Upgrade ended. Servers Back Online

Greetings, It looks amazing but in only one day i have fixed the server's major problems and now the website is back online to work I hope you like this Starting by now for some time i think i will keep the website in this way without apporting to much bigger changes Cheers Luca Zani

Update in progress

 Hi, The main website has started an update and for some days it will be unavailable Try to visit the website now and you will find that error That is completely normal and soon the problem will be solved For any info, you can contact me at That's all Cheers Luca Zani

A new community is born

Hi, I have created a new community for talking everyone together about various argument In this community i will be very active and i will speak with you The community is here For now, you can not create a new account why i must wait to carry this community out from the beta stage In future i will remove this limitation and i will post another announcement to inform you See you next Greetings

Donations are open

Greetings, If you want to donate to help to make this blog and the entire website better you can use my link to help me Thanks a lot for everyone donates (smail donations are included) You can donate clicking here

Feature Suggestion Needed

 Greetings, I need new features for and for the entire platform Suggest it from this Google forms survey: Cheers

Telegram @overloadedtechinfo Archiving Channel

 Hello, I Have the channel active from July 2021 and now that i have this awesome blog i will archive it to switch here Don't worry! Old post on the channel will be removed I will just start only posting here and not on the channel Regards Luca Zani


 Hello, I want to expand And purchasing buseut there is a little problem I can not buy it why it has been aquired but at 14/5/2022 it will exprire and i will acquire it to use as a secondary website Keep informed about new updates Cheers Luca Zani

Swap Completed

 Hello, this is a message to inform that the website Swap Procedure has completed and the website is properly working again For a long time moment no more updates are required No actions are required by you Cheers

Website Swap Procedure

 Hello, I am going to do a new website transfer procedure starting now The procedure will end at 8 PM of Today During this website system hosting swap the website can have some bugs Greetings

Outage Completed and Solved

 Greetings, The site is online all is parts are back online working at 100%. In the future it may, can become updates but before it, i will post a warning in this blog Don't worry! For problems, contact me at Cheers

All is back

Greetings, i am happy to announce that all the website problems are now solved In the next hours the minimals bugs will be solved automatically cleaning cache Regards

Test Post

Hi, this is just a test post to test the behavior of this post No actions are required by you

DNS Update

 SSL is Back for this blog and soon for the DNS and all the other pages The main page is working but the www not Withour it the website can not work So we have now to wait for the DNS Propagation completed This blog is still working. Come here for more updated Cheers

Site is partially came back

Greetings, 3/4 of the site is online It is working: Email ( This Blog (blog The main page that redirects to the www version ( It is offline only the www main website that is a lot important ( without that the main domain doesn't work I am working to keep it back The DNS will be ready until 72 hours by now I already fixed the DNS, and now we need to wait for the propagation completion P.S: For now, SSL is disabled and is not working on any page. I will also fix that

Main DNS API Error

Hi World, My website is experiencing a DNS API Error and for not the pages stopped working and may can display some error These error can variate per device Maybe on your computer you can't see the website but on your friend computer all works fine In this way i will completely reset the website and this page can go down for some time Sorry for the inconvenience Cheers

Partial Outage

 Greetings, All the website and all the subdomains/sections are currently unavailable I am working to enable an alternative DNS to activate a temporal website version The problem will be solved in about 2 hours See you later Cheers

First Post

Welcome to my blog! This is the first post to announce the introduction of this blog For now a low number of features have been activated I will use this blog to make announcement or notify about website problems (like an update or an outage problem) Enjoy! Cheers